Creativity@Home Away Day 2018
For two days, the principal investigators, researchers and graduates studying drug delivery left their labs, offices and write-up areas to learn and engage with experts as they provided insight into drug clinical trial work and the pharmaceutical industry drug development process. In the peaceful Berkshire countryside, the OxCD3 team had full days to consider overall the work they have done and the work they intend to do in the coming months.
Professor Mark Middleton, the Head of Oncology (Oxford), walked the group through the clinical trial process and answered many questions from the audience on practical issues surrounding trial work. Dr Sanyogitta Puri's (AstraZeneca) presentation focused on moving ideas to development and production. The group was tasked, by Professor Constantin Coussios, to consider the information learned during the sessions and develop ideas for the next stage of work within across the current work packages.
Senior Research Fellow, Dr Michael Gray, was particularly appreciative of Professor Middleton's presentation as it "was especially informative with regard to the development and evaluation of therapeutic devices." Gray thought the Away Day was "extremely valuable" because it allowed him focusing on the working with his team that provided a "much needed perpective on our current efforts." For first year DPhil student, Alex Martin, "the whole experience gave real food for thought with regards how, what I am doing in the lab, can be translated to the clinic." And Dr Sarah Peeters appreciated the "time to talk to people you work with in a more informal, non-work related way via teambuilding activities and social gatherings." She felt it will "result in better teamworking and collaborations.